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Monday, May 14, 2012

Bunnyman Bridge by Ronald J. Van Wynsberg

Joan Fortune was a successful New York detective when a cruel twist of fate took not only the the life of her husband, but also the life of her unborn child. When she finally comes to terms with it, a beacon of hope in the form of a three-year-old girl enters her life. After being found abandoned in a church, three-year-old Caitlin was brought to Joan's precinct and immediately stole Joan's heart. Six months later, Joan was awarded custody of Caitlin. It was then she started looking for a new job in a less hectic environment in which to raise her daughter. When she found the position of 'Sheriff of Milford' in March of 1997, she immediately knew that she had found the perfect job and quickly accepted.

Milford, Virginia doesn't see much crime. So when Kiersten, a local teenager, goes missing, Joan starts to organize search parties. And when Kiersten is found with a noose around her neck and hanging from a bridge, Joan realizes that they have a cold blooded killer on the loose. But what do you do when the only evidence of a crime is the body itself. No trace evidence, no footprints, nothing. But when a complete stranger calls Joan with intimate knowledge of the crime scene, Joan finally has a lead. And she will follow this lead for as long as it takes. But in the end, she never expected to find a new beginning.

Bunnyman Bridge has been out for a couple of years and is a well written with some unexpected plot twists. It's a well paced, fun read and I would be willing to read more books by this author. I really liked the writing style and found it hard to put down. I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for more books by this author.

This book is currently available for sale.

1 comment:

  1. This is a really great review. makes me want to pick up the book and start reading.
